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How Does the Adoption Process Work?



When and if make the decision to Adopt a rabbit from Friends of Willow, you will go through an application process. After Friends of Willow receives your application, Friends of Willow will review it and be in contact with you. A Friends of Willow Adoption Coordinator will provide you with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision whether or not a rabbit is the right addition to your household. Friends of Willows goal is to place each rabbit in a "forever home" and to do that, Friends of Willow will need to make sure bunnies are going to dedicated families, which understand the commitment involved in properly caring for a rabbit for the remainder of it's life.
Adoption fees are charged to help us offset some of our costs for caring for our rabbits. They help us to ensure that our rabbits are in good health, spayed or neutered, and loved. Adoption fees include $75 for a single rabbit and $125 for a pair.
Click the Link Below To Start Your Application


Friends of Willow

Rabbit Rescue

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